• OK... I figured it out... and it was ridiculously simple.

    As I mentioned, the query that is being run is pretty straight-forward and simple. Here's a slightly modified version (to protect super-secret company info 😎 ):

    declare @BodyText nvarchar(max)

    SET @BodyText = 'Attached is the quarterly audit.


    SQL Administrators'

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @profile_name = 'SQL Mail',

    @recipients='joe.schmoe@company.com; billy.bob@company.com',


    @subject='Quarterly Audit',


    @query='USE Product_Database

    SELECT SUBSTRING(description, 1, 30) as Name,


    WHEN privilege = ''1''

    THEN (''Admin'')

    WHEN privilege = ''0''

    THEN (''System User'')

    ELSE ''''

    END AS ''Role''

    FROM [dbo].[user_table]

    WHERE enabled = ''1''

    AND item_type = ''7765''

    ORDER BY Role'

    ,@attach_query_result_as_file = 1

    ,@query_attachment_filename = 'User_Accts.txt'

    ,@exclude_query_output = 1;

    So, the key here is the 'USE Product_Database' line. In the Job Step Properties page, I was leaving the "Database:" option as "master", which is what it defaults to. I figured that was fine, since the code explicitly states to use the necessary database.

    On all the other servers, this worked without any problems. On this particular server, though, I had to switch the "Database:" option to Product_Database, even though it seems a bit redundant since the code does so as well.

    Regardless, it worked like a charm. My guess is that it's some esoteric permission issue of some type, and since I call sp_send_dbmail before I switch to the Product_Database, that's what is causing the problem.

    Anyhow, thanks for the help, everyone.