• Thank-you, for the nice & easy question. For me, the week generally goes good if the start is good 🙂

    I have strongly believed that if users are not supposed to use something, they should not be able to access it.

    The "allow updates" option has been marked as deprecated. Setting it to 1 results in a few other issues also (http://beyondrelational.com/modules/2/blogs/77/posts/11282/ad-hoc-update-to-system-catalogs-is-not-supported-when-using-reconfigure.aspx)

    While the deprecation of "allow updates" from the options list may take a couple of releases, I had raised a Connect item to at least move this into the "advanced options" list (https://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/feedback/details/662305/sp-configure-allow-updates-should-be-an-advanced-option#details). However the item was marked as "Won't Fix".

    Thanks & Regards,
    Nakul Vachhrajani.

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