• I actually have moved to management and then back down at the same company. I and three others got promoted to Team Leads as our support team grew. Around the same time I took responsibility for our monitoring application which meant any further coding that needed to be done, managing the install process, and a major upgrade to go along with it. And, also right around the same time, I was handed the job of fixing our e-prescribe installation process for the product. Included with that was responsibility for the hosted version of the product since the only module on that was the e-prescribe module. Meanwhile, the other team leads only had their team lead responsibilities.

    Needless to say that I got burnt out with all the managing since I went from being all technical to not having any time for anything technical unless there was a major fire. I switched from Support to Upgrades and that transition went very smoothly. I kept the friends in Support and was able to offer advice from my time there and get feedback on things that Upgrades (and later Dev when I moved there) could do better. I think changing departments helped out a large amount there. As was the fact that it was my choice instead of something that was recommended to me.