• bullo (4/4/2012)

    it runs VERY fast , but runs SUPER slow on sql server. I cannot understand it. i made every latency test.

    Probably something to do with SQLEXpress, but I dont think so.

    my page is not optimal? IT is not. But this is independent.2 other db engines run it fine.

    For starters because every table requires a clustered index scan on each call, your indexing doesn't work well with your data requests.

    I asked some questions. When you can find some time to answer them I can probably assist you further. You're hooked into the 'why is it working here and not there'. I can't answer that, most of us can't. We're experts on *1* engine. We can help you in that *1* engine. I personally don't care about MySQL. If you'd like help to get it working well in SQL Server, work with us.

    I, personally, am very close to leaving you on your own with it. We're all volunteers, I have no particular investment in helping you other than it keeps some of my skills sharp and I like doing it. If it continues to feel like it's pulling teeth to get a question answered to help YOU, I will leave this to others with more patience to assist you.

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

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