• You hit the nail on the head. I used to be a purchasing manager. Salesmen would come in to sell me products, and invariably used pro sports tickets and other inducements to make the sale. One time a vendor offered to outfit the bathroom I was remodeling, so I went to my boss, and explained the deal. He gave the OK for me to accept about $1,000 worth of product, as long as the salesmen knew we were not going to buy from him. I even wrote it up and had him sign that he understood.

    Later he was incensed that we didn't start ordering from him. When I brought up our agreement, he said something like "yes, but that isn't how it is done!"

    Clearly salespeople feel if they can get you to accept some free gift that you are obligated to buy their product. The pressure they put on you once you take the gift is extreme, and I doubt many people can say no.

    In fairness I see the same thing in family relationships, friendships, et cetera. People plan how to get someone to do what they want, then follow through with some enticement, and most people feel it is then rude to go against the wishes of that person because "they did that nice thing for me."

