• Hmm..

    There may be a way to do this using triggers etc.. But you can also do it by running a schedule every x minutes to check for blocking.

    Create a teble to hold the contents of sp_who, then test

    --Drop the temp table

    DROP TABLE #who

    --Create a temp table to store the contents of sp_who


    (spid INTEGER,

    ecid INTEGER,

    status VARCHAR(1000) NULL,

    loginname SYSNAME NULL,

    hostname SYSNAME NULL,

    blk INTEGER,

    dbname SYSNAME NULL,

    cmd VARCHAR(1000) NULL,

    request_id INTEGER)

    --Get the data from sp_who and insert it into the temp table.

    INSERT INTO #who EXEC sp_who

    --Find the blocking session

    SELECT w2.*

    FROM #who w1

    INNER JOIN #who w2 ON w1.blk = w2.spid

    WHERE w1.blk <> 0

    Then you can create a new alert and test if there is blocking and then use dbmail to send an email alert:

    --Test if there is blocking


    FROM #who w1

    INNER JOIN #who w2 ON w1.blk = w2.spid

    WHERE w1.blk <> 0) <> 0


    --Send an email alerting the helpdesk there is blocking

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name=N'SQLAlerts',@recipients=N'recipient@emailserver.com',@Subject=N'Blocking Detected',

    @Body=N'There appears to be blocking on your server',

    @query='SELECT w2.*

    FROM #who w1

    INNER JOIN #who w2 ON w1.blk = w2.spid

    WHERE w1.blk <> 0'


    However I assume you're going to want to know as soon as blocking occurs?



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