• Good morning Sree,

    I am sorry to hear you have had problems. Here are the points I check first.

    If the dates on the report are all '20201225' (December 25, 2020) then you are just reporting the 'separator' row. I put in this row just to create a break between databases. I figured I would never be using this system in 2020 🙂

    - Do a TSQL select on the DASD table and just make sure there are rows in it other than the above separator rows.

    - We run the job that populates the DASD table once daily, between 04:00 and 04:59 on all servers. We found that reporting on all days of the week was too much detailed information for a general report, so we limited it to just report DASD rows created on Friday between 04:00 - 04:59.

    Possibly the issue in the  'insert into #DASDRpt' statement.  The 'select' in this statement was designed to only select rows created on

    1) Friday  "datepart(dw,(convert(....)))) = 6" 

    2) created during hour '04'  "substring(createDTM,9,2) = '04'"

    If you have not scheduled the job that creates DASD rows to run at least on Friday between 04:00 - 04:59 you will not return any rows.

    If the date, time selects are the issue, modify the report sql as you wish.

    Let me know if this information helps, if not we will look further!!