• Nice question.

    I think the reason for the error in the second batch is that in order to do implicit conversion for arguments of an operand the compiler must know what type is required (maybe this is what Hugo was trying to say); this is true for all operators, in particular for all arithmetic operators (+,-,*,/,%) with only the + case failing to produce an error when both arguments have string types, and that only because the '+' symbol is overloaded with sting concatenation as well as with the various numeric variants of addition (unrounded, or with various different kinds of rounding).

    POWER of course is different: in T-SQL it isn't an operator (it's a function), so the same rules don't apply. The first argument is explicitly required to be float (ie float(53)) or something that can be explicitly converted to it, so there's no issue with implicit conversion for that. The second parameter breaks the rules that would apply if POWER were an operator, because in theory compiler doesn't know what it has to be converted to (it can have any exact or approximate numeric type except bit, or any type implicitly convertible to an exact or approximate numeric), but I suspect that in practise it is converted to float (it is probably documented somewhere, but I've no idea where) and if my suspicion is justified the specification could have been written the same way for the second parameter as for the first and we would then be able to have an operator-style syntax for it (** or ^ or ? as in many languages) while maintaining the implicit conversion rules, instead of having to use function syntax for this arithmetic operator.
