Home Forums SQL Server 2008 Security (SS2K8) BUILTIN\Administrators login doesn't appear to be working. RE: BUILTIN\Administrators login doesn't appear to be working.

  • adding the login is not enough...did you add them to the server role as well;

    something like this is what you are after, i think:

    --Add/Restore Restore Builtin\Administrators

    EXEC sp_grantlogin 'BUILTIN\Administrators'

    EXEC sp_addsrvrolemember 'BUILTIN\Administrators','sysadmin'

    after you've done that, make sure you are really part of the Builtin\Administrators group:

    EXEC master..xp_logininfo

    @acctname = 'Builtin\Administrators',

    @option = 'members' -- show group members

    does your windows login appear as part of that result set?


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