• cengland0 (2/14/2012)

    Cliff Jones (2/13/2012)

    Yes, that was the way I always did it also. It was very fast but then you had to deal with all those pesky named constraints and foreign keys.

    I agree, nicely worded question and answers that required some thought.

    I still do it this way, that's why I asked if there was a better way to do it -- perhaps by using the ALTER VIEW or some other method. So everyone keeps saying that they used to populate tables this way. Which way are you doing it now?

    I only do this method for my raw data sources. The presentation layer (Not a real name for a data layer) is what has all the constraints and foreign keys. The raw data comes from multiple sources so no contraints are at that level. If they were, then you'd have to be extremely careful on which tables you load first and too many tables get populated simultaneously to have to worry about another problem like that.

    I suspect it is still a valid and efficient way of doing it in most situations; I just don’t personally have much occasion to have to do this anymore.