• kschwid (2/13/2012)

    In SQL you can highlight all queries in the Summary tab and right click and choose "Execute Stored Procedure as" then choose "create to", then choose file. This will script all hightlighted sp's create code into one file that you can then dig into and use find functions etc. to pick apart/find what you need.

    My question is, does Access have anything like that?

    Not really, because you are looking at local tables created from SQL Server tables using queries. Was this situation created by an external company they hired to do this for them, or is it something an individual created over a long period of time? If you have decent documentation of the SQL Server database that will help somewhat, but the choices made by the previous developer of the Access front-ends as to what tables or subsets of tables can only be ascertained by looking at the queries.

    We also found that in most cases you don't need to import SQL Server tables into Access to produce reports and get acceptable performance. SQL Server views will do the trick nicely and you can link to them as though they are just another table. Base on your description of the situation I'm afraid you will need to pick one or more of the Access databases apart query by query till you get an understand of what they are doing.

    Colorful Colorado
    You can't see the view if you don't climb the mountain!