• kschwid (2/13/2012)

    --Local access tables initially populated from the SQL DB (this is where I am stuck and trying to figure out how these are populated.)

    I need to find the connection mapping SQL table/column to Access table/column or find the Queries used to populate the data from SQL to Access.


    I can see which tables are directly connect to the SQL DB but most of the "Reports" use the Access tables that I am not sure how are initially populated.

    I can see which tables are from other Access DBs

    I can see which are local Access tables

    somewhere, some code is being run to update your "local " Access tables.....we cant see what you can see...but are there any "update" buttons , modules, on start up procs that are being run?

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day