• Hi, I can't get to work any of the 3 versions of this procedure.

    With the first presented here (http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Development/2824/) by Jason Selburg:

    Exec [data_driven_subscription] .........Returned the error:

    1 “The subscription contains parameter values that are not valid”

    The first version from Matt (http://spilich.blogspot.com/2007/11/using-data-driven-subscriptions-in.html) and his second version on page 5 from this forum both return the same error:

    exec [Custom_data_driven_subscription] --(or exec [CustomDataDrivenSubscription] )

    @SubscriptionID = '83A4FDAB-A41B-440F-89DA-C4E9DFE6FEB6',


    @parameterValueLIST = '1/2/2012|2/2/2012|100',

    @ExtensionSettingNameLIST = 'TO|Subject',

    @ExtensionSettingValueLIST = 'blablabla@blablabla.com|@ReportName was executed at @ExecutionTime',

    @exitCode = @ResultID out,

    @exitMessage = @ResultMsg out Returned the error:

    -2 “The subscription does not exist.”

    I've tried everything, even new reports and new subscriptions but nothing works. Any help please?