• I have modified the complete code piece.

    Now I have made tables in Access with field type Memo for Description column.

    The query has been modifed too.

    I need to compare descrioptions from two excel files and display it in excel again.

    Making tables helps in terms of textual comparison works for > 255 chars..however, now I see an issue with the output that i see. the excel cell to which the data is exported from access shows junk values after a certain limit. 255 I think.

    I tried setting values for this field using mid(Description,0,250) + mid (Description,251,250) etc

    I am sure people would have faced this issue earlier. Can someone please helpout.

    SAmple of what I see now:

    " Core objective assigned to the CRM2 Program was to develop an integrated CRM solution based on PeopleSoft CRM. Application is already live in pr?Interfac????"