• TedT,

    It ran horribly from the command line as well. After taking steps to eliminate memory issues by putting the code that processes an XML doc into its own package, and using a for each container to call that package for each xml, I was able to eliminate some of the memory issues. While I could get it to completion, the complex XML docs took upwards of 20 seconds each to process - not good when you've got hundreds of thousands to process. Command line shaved about 10% of processing time. Good but not good enough.

    As an update - I eliminated the use of the XML Source all together. We are parsing the xml using a stored procedure instead using something like this:

    DECLARE @xml_table TABLE(xml_data xml)

    SET @sqlstmt= 'SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET ( BULK ''' + @l_xml_path + ''', SINGLE_CLOB ) AS XMLDATA'

    INSERT INTO @xml_table EXEC (@sqlstmt)

    Then, once the XML doc is in the table:








    x.value('(Field1/text())[1]', 'nvarchar(255)') Field1

    ,x.value('(Field2/text())[1]', 'nvarchar(255)') Field2

    ,x.value('(Field3/text())[1]', 'nvarchar(255)') Field3


    @xml_table tbl

    CROSS APPLY tbl.xml_data.nodes('/root/Subnode/Subsubnode') e(x)

    This technique allows us to process each XML doc, almost regardless of size, in under 2 seconds.

    We are still in development, but signs are positive. I am now convinced, after months of agony, that SSIS can't process XML efficiently.