• Some additional info;

    I also noticed that the subscriber server had a collation of SQL_LATIN1_GENERAL_CP1_CI_AS whereas the publisher is LATIN1_GENERAL_CI_AS I changed the subscriber database to LATIN1_GENERAL_CI_AS but still get the same error. I then rebuilt the system databases to use LATIN1_GENERAL_CI_AS and still get the same error. Last night I uninstalled and reinstalled SQL Server (initial install was done by a different team) just to be sure of the installation settings, and you know what I STILL get the same error 🙁

    The subscriber server looks to have been created from an image as I had to rename SQL Server the other day using sp_dopserver and sp_addserver see my blog;




    I am the master of my fate:
    I am the captain of my soul.
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    Twitter: @ckwmcgowan