Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) Recusion on Group and their subGroups- how can I solve this problem? RE: Recusion on Group and their subGroups- how can I solve this problem?

  • ;WITH Groups AS (

    SELECT GroupId = g.Id, g.GroupName, ga.ParentGroupId

    FROM dbo.[group] g

    LEFT JOIN GroupAssociations ga on g.Id = ga.GroupId


    , rCTE AS (

    SELECT [Level] = 1, GroupId, GroupName, ParentGroupId -- anchor part

    FROM Groups

    WHERE ParentGroupId IS NULL


    SELECT [Level] = [Level] + 1, tr.GroupId, tr.GroupName, tr.ParentGroupId -- recursive part

    FROM Groups tr

    INNER JOIN rCTE lr ON lr.GroupId = tr.ParentGroupId

    WHERE lr.[Level] < 8


    SELECT *


    The rCTE works like this:

    The anchor part - the first select - picks up all rows which are top-level i.e. have no parent.

    WHERE ParentGroupId IS NULL

    The first iteration of the recursive part picks up rows which have, as their parent, rows from the anchor.

    lr.GroupId = tr.ParentGroupId (lastrow.GroupId = thisrow.ParentGroupId)

    The second iteration picks up their "children" and so on.

    On each iteration of the recursive part, rCTE lr contains the results of the last iteration - which is the anchor set of rows for the first iteration.

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