• worker bee (1/11/2012)

    Okay, I have to add a convert for the UTC column and I have no idea where to put it, can some one help me out real quick?

    add convert UTCdatetime to yyyy/mm/dd in sql statement

    SELECT ServerName, COUNT(ServerName) AS [Count], Value, Heading, UTCOccurrenceDateTime

    FROM Alerts

    WHERE (Heading LIKE 'Disk %') AND (Heading NOT LIKE 'Disk C%') AND (Value >= 95.00)

    AND DATEADD(hh, -6, UTCOccurrenceDateTime) >= DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, GETUTCDATE()), 0)

    GROUP BY Heading, Value, ServerName, UTCOccurrenceDateTime

    HAVING (COUNT(ServerName) < 2500000)

    ORDER BY UTCOccurrenceDateTime, ServerName

    SELECT ServerName,

    COUNT(ServerName) AS [Count],



    REPLACE(CAST(UTCOccurrenceDateTime as date),'-','/')

    --or try SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), UTCOccurrenceDateTime, 111)

    --or try SELECT CONVERT(DATE, UTCOccurrenceDateTime, 111)

    FROM Alerts

    WHERE (Heading LIKE 'Disk %') AND (Heading NOT LIKE 'Disk C%') AND (Value >= 95.00)

    AND DATEADD(hh, -6, UTCOccurrenceDateTime) >= DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, GETUTCDATE()), 0)

    GROUP BY Heading, Value, ServerName, UTCOccurrenceDateTime

    HAVING (COUNT(ServerName) < 2500000)

    for helpful date conversions: Try this

    also see: datetime
