• In the Solution Explorer, click on <package solution> -> select Properties

    set Deployment utility's properties:

    1. AllowConfigurationChanges=True

    2. CreateDeploymentUtility=True

    3.DeploymentOutputPath= <bin/deployment> //replace your own path or if you keep the same then it will create the 'bin/deployment' folder in the package location.

    Now buid the package, 'manifest file' will be generated with your package name(<PackageName>.SSISDeploymentManifest) in the given 'DeplomentOutputPath'.

    double click on 'Manifest file' and select the type of deployment.

    if you want to deploy on 'SQL Server' than select 'SQL Server Deployment', click 'Next'.

    Then select '<servername>' on which you want to deploy the SSIS package,

    select 'package Path' (generally '/' is enough), check 'Rely on server storage for encryption'

    click 'Next' -> 'Next'->'Next'->'Finish'

    http://msbimentalist.wordpress.com 🙂