• SQLRNNR (1/9/2012) Permissions don't always cascade to child folders. Check the subfolders and confirm permissions exist there.

    Elliott Whitlow (1/9/2012) You need to review the underlying permissions, as Jason said, they don't ALWAYS cascade. If the proxy user has full access to the share then the folders are the next layer to review..

    I checked upto bottom of chain and that proxy account has FULL permission to all of those folders.

    SQLRNNR (1/9/2012) Also, check to see if a firewall or router exists between the servers and shares. There may be routing rules at play or a firewall rule preventing access.

    I think a firewall exists between Server and share because both of them are different server. But I also have other utilities and a web apps which are residing on same server as share and can communicate with database server which I am using to run SQL Agent task. And as far as I know, there are no routing rules in place.

    What is puzzling me is, say if something is totally screwed up and package can't access network resources, then why my task doesn't fail with error ?? In my case, my task gets successfully completed. I will find error only when I see task execution history.

