• or can some one help me here with this antiquated query.

    This works fine. Just that it does not use sys.objects or sys.columns.

    what i need is to be able to join with sys.schemas so that i can add the

    schema name to the begining of the table name.

    SELECT a.[name] as 'Table',

    b.[name] as 'Column',

    c.[name] as 'Datatype',

    b.[length] as 'Length',


    WHEN b.[cdefault] > 0 THEN d.[text]


    END as 'Default',


    WHEN b.[isnullable] = 0 THEN 'No'

    ELSE 'Yes'

    END as 'Nullable'

    FROM sysobjects a

    INNER JOIN syscolumns b

    ON a.[id] = b.[id]

    INNER JOIN systypes c

    ON b.[xtype] = c.[xtype]

    LEFT JOIN syscomments d

    ON b.[cdefault] = d.[id]

    WHERE a.[xtype] = 'u'

    -- 'u' for user tables, 'v' for views.

    --and a.[name]='table name'

    AND a.[name] <> 'dtproperties'

    ORDER BY a.[name],b.[colorder]