• What would you like to do differently in your career in 2012?

    Hmmm.... Learn to cope with MS SQL licensing changes. Speak in a kinder voice, act in a friendlier manner, continue to treat others as I expect to be treated, with respect and honesty. Further my education in .NET and SQL in ways that don't cost exorbitant amounts of money (thank you SQL Server Central!!)

    Basically, at this time, I think just being able to hang onto my career and the ability to support my family are paramount. I honestly do not know what I would do if I was laid off or "downsized". I will take a paycut, stop complaining and keep the "proverbial nose to the grindstone".... and hope that come budget time in May I'm still employed and able to read the QOTD.

    I hope all at SQL Server Central have a wonderful New Year.