• SQL Kiwi (12/6/2011)

    Hi Hugo,

    Writing a question to demonstrate the equivalence of SQL expressions is very brave, so well done for that. Small point: in the explanation you say, "the only way to rewrite the query is to reverse the table order", but this code expresses the same SQL semantic I think:

    Would this not work as well?

    ;WITH cte_Subquery AS

    (SELECT c.SalesRep, c.Name, o.OrderDate

    FROM dbo.Customers AS c

    INNER JOIN dbo.Orders AS o

    ON o.CustomerID = c.CustomerID

    AND o.OrderDate > DATEADD(month, -4, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP))

    SELECT e.Name AS SalesRep, s.Name AS Customer, s.OrderDate

    FROM dbo.Employees AS e

    LEFT JOIN cte_Subquery AS s

    ON e.EmployeeID = s.SalesRep

    WHERE e.Position = 'SalesRep';

    I always go with CTEs in this situation when possible, but I would love to know if I'm off the mark on this one.

    EDIT: Of course I posted this 45 seconds after Hugo beat me to it. At least I know I was thinking along the right lines.


    a haiku...

    NULL is not zero
    NULL is not an empty string
    NULL is the unknown