• george sibbald (12/3/2011)

    IMHO You might be selling yourself cheap, I think getting paid for out of hours work should be the default position. Having said that I am all for a bit of flexibility and if it suits you to have time off in lieu and the company is happy with that, why not. However remember that is compensating you at 1:1 for working unsocial hours, rather than time and a half or whatever. Also it can be difficult finding the slack to take the time off, and you end up having to work harder to make up for the lost time!

    The occasional off-hours work isn't a big inconvenience and doesn't really cut into social life. And I usually get more in comp time than I put in off-hours. And even though I'm the only one things mostly run smoothly enough that it's not hard to take the time off. It certainly won't work for everyone but it does for me. And since my wife doesn't work full time any time off I get means I get to see her more.