• GSquared (12/1/2011)

    Dev (12/1/2011)

    GSquared (12/1/2011)

    Any reason not to just turn off the SQL Agent service during that window? That'll turn off all jobs in one command. You can turn that off and on via command line, just like any other service, and can schedule the off/on commands via the Windows task scheduler.

    It will disable casual / on request tasks as well say Export / Import.

    Nope. Just tested it (SQL 2008 R2 Dev Edition). Turned off SQL Agent, then used the Export wizard to export a table to a text file. Worked as expected.

    Some things, like the Copy Database Wizard, depend on SQL Agent jobs, but not usual Export/Import wizards.

    I was assuming (in fact I was very confident) that Copy Database & Export / Import Wizard share same logic (common classes inside) and same requirements. It should fail if you try to export / import to other RDBMS or SQL Server.

    For Text File export I believe it uses BCP internally so it doesn’t require SQL Agent.