• Good article, thanks for the summary.

    The biggest issues I've encountered, save for a server side trace, is catching the originating hostname for the incoming connection. To me this is a critical aspect of "who" and without it, it can be difficult in tracking down an individual in the situation where a common SQL login is utilized by multiple individuals (or even a service account implemented on several servers). In this, SQL Server Audit is woefully lacking. Sure we *wish* we could always avoid folks using a SQL login but life is rarely perfect especially when you've inherited someone else's mess to straighten out. To me this is the whole point of auditing is catching non-standard activity but without capturing *correct* hostname you can't easily complete the picture of *who* (all hostname captured information in SQL Audit is the actual host SQL server or blank and not the host of the originating connection).

    This of course is Microsoft's issue to resolve, not the author's.