Home Forums Data Warehousing Data Transformation Services (DTS) Error 0xc020901c: Data Flow Task: While Importing data from an Excel File into SQL Server 2005 RE: Error 0xc020901c: Data Flow Task: While Importing data from an Excel File into SQL Server 2005

  • I had the same problem with a DB2-source.

    Problem is: The datasourche object replace the character that have no match in the codepage with a ? and gives a truncation error.


    Change with the Advanced Editor the Output Column propertie from RD_FailComponent to RD_IgnoreFaiure.

    => OLE-db Sourche object => Advanced Editor => [Input and Output Properties] => [Output Columns] => Choose the field with truncation error => Change propertie 'TruncationRowDisposition' to RD_IgnoreFaiure.