• Having been writing code for over 30 years, some of it good, some of it less so, I know there would be times that a consultant could justify critising my code, but I also know that unless done at the time the code is written, there is no point in critizing it. If the code does not work, say so, if circumstances have changed, and there is now a better way of achieving an outcome, say so, but never critise the coder. They may have moved on from coding and be a fantasic PM, they may be related to the person talking to you, they may just have been having a bad day when it was written, or they may have been working with code from an even older legacy system, the reasons for bad code are numerous. When I started it was immperative to reuse variables for something else to save the few bytes of memory (and tape) having another one would use-- Today, that looks like bad coding!