• applebyte (11/9/2011)

    thanks for the reply. Adding the single quotes allowed the 'parse' check to be successful but when the code was executed, a syntax error occured.


    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 14

    Incorrect syntax near 'SERVER_ROLE'.

    Msg 105, Level 15, State 1, Line 14

    Unclosed quotation mark after the character string ')'.

    Yes, i was wondering about that too. You have the select statement embedded too, but do not close the select statement either. Since the SELECT statement is embedded in a string, the single-quoted items in the where have to "double-quoted" twice.

    Here is the final version of your SQL. Note the 4 single-quotes on the where clause items.

    SET @SQL = N'INSERT dbo.SERVER_LEVEL_Access_cmpr

    SELECT *

    From OPENQUERY ([' + @linkedServer + ',' + @port_nbr + '],









    FROM master.sys.server_principals

    WHERE type_desc not in (''''SERVER_ROLE'''' , ''''CERTIFICATE_MAPPED_LOGIN'''') '') '

    Another helpful trick I usually do in these cases is actually PRINT the variable during tests without performing the "EXEC(@SQL)" command. This way you can copy the output and try it to see if all the single-quoted items are terminated correctly with the correct number of single-quotes. It can be very tricky to get them right sometimes.

    I hope this helps.

    EDIT: Also notice the terminated "SELECT" clause with the additional quotes prior to the end parantheses { '') ' }