• SaintGr8 (9/22/2011)

    Thanks for the insight you have given. I ran the s.procedure on Person.Person against Adventureworks2008 database. My query was like this:

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_select

    @Person NVARCHAR(200)


    DECLARE @cmd NVARCHAR (255)

    SET @cmd = 'SELECT TOP 50 * from ' + @Person

    EXEC sp_executesql @cmd


    I set up the shortcut keys as well but when I ran pressed the keys, I got this error message:

    Msg 201, Level 16, State 4, Procedure sp_select, Line 0

    Procedure or function 'sp_select' expects parameter '@Person', which was not supplied.

    Please, how do I go beyond this so I get the right answer?

    Thank you!

    Type and highlight the table name...then press your keyboard shortcut (eg CTRL + 5)
