• I am right now developing a product that will make a assignments not require humans anymore. These people still posses good knowledge and can focus and be worth more in other parts of the company, but thus I can see first hand this happening at a small scale.

    I do believe less and less humans will be needed for different tasks. Which IT tasks such as DB management will be left or not and when change takes place is impossible to see but it is for sure that the future will remove some parts of peoples jobs and perhaps introduce new jobs.

    Once we do have decent "robots" in place the need for a cleaner will be eliminated. However, it also must be cost effective. The world is sure to change, history can tell us this. When and what will change however is harder to predict, I believe it will take a long time before that story comes true if it ever does while I believe my example of cleaners might come to place in a hundred years or so.