Home Forums SQLServerCentral.com Editorials Specialists or Generalists: Who are best as Developers? RE: Specialists or Generalists: Who are best as Developers?

  • Interesting article... however, like many people here, I disagree with the comparison of generalist vs specialist... but favor the comparison of expert vs amateur.

    I've always prided myself on being a generalist. And if you think being a generalist = non-expert => lower pay, think again. I've been over six-figure annual salary since 23 years-old working for Fortune 50 to SMBs. With a solid computer science background, an "expert generalist" understands (or at least quickly come up-to-speed with) the pros/cons of each technology, language, programming model, yada yada... An expert generalist can dive into the details of any task at hand and come up with an efficient solution. At least that has been my experience, your mileage may vary...

    Also, you can read all the books in the world and gain more knowledge, but there's one thing you can't improve on, no matter how much time or effort: intelligence. In a team, you need different types of smarts: knowledge and intelligence (or both if you are lucky).