• It was bound to happen, when things are tight, the squeeze is passed down, the folks at the top of the food chain are going to look out for their best interests (and the interest of their share holders, sort of). Just like fully funded retirement benefits, health benefits will go the way of the dinosaur. When the pool of workers is high, the incentive to pay well is nonexistent. So look for worse working conditions, more hours, less pay, and soon no benefits. I see it in my job, my wifes's, and my children (who just graduated college, which I doubt was worth the cost). With the full out onslaught against unions they will soon have no power either, then you will see a return to the early 1900's with a very few people having all the wealth and everyone else working in sweat shops. In the US the middle class is on life support and slowly slipping into poverty while most of the social safety nets are disappearing.

    Oops, sorry, slipped into politics there at the end, and before I get flamed, let me say I'm disgusted with both political parties in the US, the democrats are Wimps and Winers who won't step up and lead for fear of offending someone, and the republicans are holier than though hypocrites who want the government out of their lives, but really like to tell the rest of us how to live ours.