• This is a fascinating bit of code that attempts an approach that would provide very useful facilities for any database that was integrating with a JSON-savvy application. I love the idea of doing JSON bulk load. JSON serialiser/deserialisers are written to perform a lot of different tasks, and there is room for several in the Database developers armoury.

    I did find existing examples of JSON parsers and loaders on the Web, including one in native T-SQL that is one of the more, er, complex and lengthy T-SQL procedures I've seen

    I suspect that this is a description is either mine from Simple-Talk[/url], or Ric Vander Ark's from SSC[/url]. In both cases, the amount of source code to do the work is probably less than is in yours if you include what's in JSON.NET! (OK, each one performs very different functions). John Galt has done an interesting and very compact CLR that requires no external JSON library.

    Best wishes,
    Phil Factor