• As usual, great article James, Good Job!

    I finished reading it and it let me so intrigued that I decided to give it an additional twist to the code and try to port it to a stored procedure (using sp_OA.. procedures to instantiate the DMO COM object model). This is the result

    CREATE PROC sp_CheckGroups AS


    DECLARE @intReturnCode   int,

      @intDMO     int,

      @intServerGroups  int,

      @intGroupTotal   int,

      @intGroupCount   int,

      @intServerGroup   int,

      @intRegisteredServers int,

      @intServerTotal   int,

      @intServerCount   int,

      @intRegisteredServer  int,

      @strTmpChar    varchar(100),

      @strServerGroupName  varchar(100),

      @strServerName   varchar(100),

      @strServerLogin   varchar(100),

      @strServerPassword  varchar(100),

      @strDoing   varchar(100),

      @strSource   varchar(100),

      @strDescription  varchar(100)


     SET @strDoing = 'Creating the DMO object'

     EXEC @intReturnCode = master.dbo.sp_OACreate 'SQLDMO.Application', @intDMO OUTPUT

     IF @intReturnCode <> 0

      GOTO Error


     SET @strDoing = 'Creating the ServerGroups object'

     EXEC @intReturnCode = master.dbo.sp_OAGetProperty @intDMO, 'ServerGroups', @intServerGroups OUTPUT

     IF @intReturnCode <> 0

      GOTO Error

     SET @strDoing = 'Counting Registered Groups'

     EXEC @intReturnCode = sp_OAGetProperty @intServerGroups, 'Count', @intGroupTotal OUTPUT

     IF @intReturnCode <> 0

      GOTO Error

     SET @intGroupCount = 1

     WHILE @intGroupCount <= @intGroupTotal


      SET @strDoing   = 'Creating the Server Group'

      SET @strTmpChar = 'Item(' + CAST(@intGroupCount AS VARCHAR) + ')'

      EXEC @intReturnCode = sp_OAMethod @intServerGroups, @strTmpChar, @intServerGroup OUTPUT

      IF @intReturnCode <> 0

       GOTO Error

      SET @strDoing = 'Creating the RegisteredServers object'

      EXEC @intReturnCode = master.dbo.sp_OAGetProperty @intServerGroup, 'RegisteredServers', @intRegisteredServers OUTPUT

      IF @intReturnCode <> 0

       GOTO Error


      SET @strDoing = 'Counting Registered Servers'

      EXEC @intReturnCode = sp_OAGetProperty @intRegisteredServers, 'Count', @intServerTotal OUTPUT

      IF @intReturnCode <> 0

       GOTO Error


      SET @intServerCount = 1


      WHILE @intServerCount <= @intServerTotal


       SET @strDoing    = 'Creating the Registered Server'

       SET @strTmpChar  = 'Item(' + CAST(@intServerCount AS VARCHAR) + ')'

       EXEC @intReturnCode = sp_OAMethod @intRegisteredServers, @strTmpChar, @intRegisteredServer OUTPUT

       IF @intReturnCode <> 0

        GOTO Error   


       SET @strDoing = 'Get the Name Property of The Group'

       EXEC @intReturnCode = sp_OAGetProperty @intServerGroup, 'Name', @strServerGroupName OUTPUT

       IF @intReturnCode <> 0

        GOTO Error

       SET @strDoing = 'Get the Name Property of the Registered Server'

       EXEC @intReturnCode = sp_OAGetProperty @intRegisteredServer, 'Name', @strServerName OUTPUT

       IF @intReturnCode <> 0

        GOTO Error

       SET @strDoing = 'Get the Login Property of the Registered Server'

       EXEC @intReturnCode = sp_OAGetProperty @intRegisteredServer, 'Login', @strServerLogin OUTPUT

       IF @intReturnCode <> 0

        GOTO Error

       SET @strDoing = 'Get the Password Property of the Registered Server'

       EXEC @intReturnCode = sp_OAGetProperty @intRegisteredServer, 'Password', @strServerPassword OUTPUT

       IF @intReturnCode <> 0

        GOTO Error

       PRINT 'Group Name: ' + @strServerGroupName + CHAR(13) + 'Server Name: ' + @strServerName +

        CHAR(13) + 'Server Login: ' + @strServerLogin + CHAR(13) + 'Server Password: ' +


       SET @intServerCount = @intServerCount + 1

       SET @strDoing = 'Destroy Registered Server Object'

       EXEC @intReturnCode = master.dbo.sp_OADestroy @intRegisteredServer


      SET @intGroupCount = @intGroupCount + 1

      SET @strDoing = 'Destroy RegisteredServers Collection'

      EXEC @intReturnCode = master.dbo.sp_OADestroy @intServerGroup

      SET @strDoing = 'Destroy Registered Group Object'

      EXEC @intReturnCode = master.dbo.sp_OADestroy @intServerGroup


     SET @strDoing = 'Destroy ServerGroups Object'

     EXEC @intReturnCode = master.dbo.sp_OADestroy @intServerGroups

     SET @strDoing = 'Destroy DMO Object'

     EXEC @intReturnCode = master.dbo.sp_OADestroy @intDMO

     -- IF we get here the normal way, don't do error

     GOTO Cleanup


     EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @intDMO, @strSource OUTPUT, @strDescription OUTPUT

     PRINT 'Error While ['  + ISNULL( @strDoing     , '' ) +

       '], Source ['  + ISNULL( @strSource     , '' ) +

       '], Description [' + ISNULL( @strDescription     , '' ) + ']'   




    The procedure works OK, but when I run the script (as a .vbs file) I obtain 8 registered server (versus only one when I run the stored procedure). Do you see anything wrong on the SP? Can anybody here reproduce this strange behaviour?

    Keep writing this great articles, I really enjoy them!