• Hey, Tim

    I have similar question I am attempting to implement the same decryption batch process for importing data. I am using the commandline only version of pgp 10.1.0. I know the execution of the decryption/encryption step is relative to the home directory, so if the keys are not in the home directory likely (My Documents) or the current working directory is not the home directory you won't be able to successfully execute the process.

    decrypting at the command line is some ting like >pgp --decrypt path\filename.pgp --passphrase "yourpassphrase"

    My issue, I want to know if anyone has done this using xp_cmdshell.

    I believe i need to cd into my pgp home directory and then execute the full path to the pgp.exe in program files\* directory.

    but i can't change directory using xp_cmdshell. Anyone know of a workaround\fix\alternative?