• Good editorial, but you must realize and ultimately accept the absolute truth, proven time and time again throughout history - Anything that can be built, can be un-built.

    If you waste your time in the panacea that somehow, some Wizard is going to come up with something that is so secure and yet accessible to those who need it, you are kidding yourself.

    Think years back to Oracle 9i. Larry Ellison released 9i and touted it as "unbreakable". In less than 24 hours it had been broken. What did Ellison do? Issued a fix and charged people for it (good lesson in how to get wildly rich, but...)

    Think about a different approach - How many times have you gone to your office during off-hours, broken into the front door, jimmied the elevators, used an axe to break down your company's office door, and then stolen a box of paperclips. (I hope the answer is "none").

    Why dont you do that? Because you would likely wind up behind bars. And THAT is the answer. Make it SO painful for hackers that it isn't worth the risk.

    Think about it - there used to be a company called Arthur Andersen. During the Enron debacle they lied, shredded documents and a number of their staff were caught, sent to jail, slapped with huge fines, and it all brought down the company (which re-emerged later as Accenture). But they don't do the "Enron" shuffle anymore. They learned a lesson.

    Catch a few hackers, put them away for a very long time, and make it as public as possible. Do that and you would see a huge drop in hacking.

    Whereas sitting around waiting for some unbreakable piece of code only inspires hackers to show you just how breakable ANY code is.

    There's no such thing as dumb questions, only poorly thought-out answers...