• Agreed, Microsoft patching is nowhere close to what a true 24x7 mission critical OS should be. Requiring reboots is ridiculous (Novell Netware didn't, even for kernel patches, much less mainframe OS's). Not having a good, reliable, clean uninstall for all patches is also completely contrary to reliable operation: "What is your strategy in case of issues" being "Hope or reinstall with lots of downtime" isn't a good option.

    That said, does anyone know of a more comprehensive way within SQL Server to determine what patches are installed at the OS level than the very basic:

    CREATE TABLE #xp_msver


    id int,

    Name varchar(128),

    Internal_Value int,

    Character_Value varchar(128)


    INSERT INTO #xp_msver

    EXEC master.dbo.xp_msver;

    SELECT Character_Value FROM #xp_msver WHERE Name = 'WindowsVersion'

    DROP TABLE #xp_msver