• David Hutcheson (6/14/2011)

    "SSMS does - just occasionally - report an error where none exists."

    Really? This is the fifth most common SQL Server error? After using SQL Server pretty much every day for the best part of ten years I have never seen this.

    I know when the connection to the database from SSMS is forcibly closed, the first run of the query run will generate the following error

    [font="Courier New"]System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: A transport-level error has occurred when sending the request to the server. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.)[/font]

    If you run the query again the connection is re-established and the query succeeds. That is the only circumstance i can think of where this can happen, and he's right, it's not a coding error but it is still an error.

    Does the error message itself not provide enough information on errors such as this though? Also double-clicking the error will often point you to the exact line where the problem is.