• Getting a basic install of SQL Server is still pretty much a no-brainer. This should still account for the small, low transaction volume databases (and a large number of 3rd party application databases that still come without referential integrity built in) without needing any additiona maintenance.

    The Maintenance Plans can take care of any basic maintenance needs (assuming that the installer has read some part of BOL).

    All of this is without adding any extra bells and whistles ........ and I don't really think that adding more options would add value at this level.

    However, should a novice be installing, configuring and maintaining your mission-critical high-performance SQL Server system? Well, I know what my answer would be to that. In this case I am going to get an expert in to make sure that the correct boxes are ticked and the maintenance set accordingly and the last possible performance gain tweaked, and I sure as hell don't expect to see them running through a wizard clicking Next all the time.