• Toreador (6/7/2011)

    Can anyone who's said it's confusing, explain how any answer other than '50' could possibly be right? To answer '50' needs an assumption that they meant 'count(*)' rather than '*'. What similarly simple assumption couild make any of the other options correct?

    I said the original set of answers was confusing - because there was no correct answer to the question. I generally don't object to using common sense in the QOTD, because I know how hard it is to word questions in a way that everyone interprets the same way.

    But there's a significant difference between select * from test and select count(*) from test and the results that one receives from those two statements. I personally see no reason to guess at what the author intended to write, and don't have any problem with people who read the original question with the original answers scratching their heads in confusion.
