• Use array, as Join function helps with concatenation. Consider this macro:

    Dim FieldCount As Integer

    Sub makeInsert()

    Dim r As Range

    Dim BeginOfCommand As String

    Dim RestOfCommand As String

    Dim Command As String

    FieldCount = 0

    File = "c:\temp\InsertCode.txt" 'Associate file

    fHandle = FreeFile() ' Clean it

    Open File For Output As fHandle 'and open it for writing

    For Each r In ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows 'Go through all nonempty, continuous rows

    If r.Row = 1 Then ' first row contains field names

    BeginOfCommand = "INSERT INTO [myTable] (" & CollectFields(r, 1) & ") VALUES "


    RestOfCommand = CollectFields(r, 2) ' the others contains data for input

    Command = BeginOfCommand & "(" & RestOfCommand & ");" 'prepare INSERT declaration

    Print #fHandle, Command ' and write it in the file

    End If


    Close #fHandle

    End Sub

    Function CollectFields(r As Range, FieldType As Integer) As String

    If FieldType = 1 Then 'Detect how many fields we have

    While r.Cells(1, FieldCount + 1) <> ""

    FieldCount = FieldCount + 1


    FieldCount = FieldCount - 1

    End If

    ReDim arr(FieldCount) As Variant 'Declare array

    Dim v As Variant

    For i = 0 To FieldCount

    v = r.Cells(1, i + 1).Value

    If IsNumeric(v) Then

    arr(i) = v


    If FieldType = 1 Then

    arr(i) = "[" & v & "]"


    arr(i) = "'" & v & "'"

    End If

    End If


    CollectFields = Join(arr, ", ")

    End Function

    Here You only need to name the fields in the first row and fill the data under. Oh, and if there is no data, just add "NULL"