• Hi Jason,

    Thanks for your comments.

    Great work on taking the initiative, it's one of the key character traits required to be successful as a Data Professional in my view. In your situation I would even go so far as to say that you should not waste any more time and immediately proceed ahead on your desired course of action unless you are told explicitly to do otherwise.

    I use this manner of working all the time. Folks are often so distracted focusing on their own immediate priorities that it can be difficult sometimes to get things done. Rather than requiring your management to make the decision for you, I say go ahead and make it yourself by informing them of what you are doing. They will let you know quick enough if they don't agree with your decision, trust me. As a Data Professional it is you who is the expert on the subject and your managers look to you for guidance and insight. Take the initiative and lead the way.

    Now go get those backups tested!