• jcrawf02 (4/21/2011)

    LightVader (4/21/2011)

    Is there an equally easy way to have the template on the network so all the developers in the company are using the same template (and it would only have to be updated once)?

    I used to use a .cmd file to copy templates and SQL Prompt snippets from a shared location to the local folder on login, you could do similar for this. See attached.

    Also, Wayne, great article, been thinking about setting up a template for SSIS, so thanks!

    If anyone is doing this for SSRS, consider using this in tandem with report styles in the database, a la Barry King (http://www.simple-talk.com/sql/reporting-services/reporting-services-with-style/[/url]). That way, you can have your template for the layout you want, and use the db to update the actual styles, or apply multiple styles, and change all reports by updating your db values. Very handy.

    I really like the Barry King solution, I think I'll propose that one to my boss. I have to look into the other solution a little bit more. I'm sure I can get it to work for us, but we just had a virus issue so a lot of stuff is locked down right now.

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