• Joshua M Perry (4/19/2011)

    I think I understand what you're asking for now. That's not exposed via TSQL, but you could use some .NET code and expose it through an assembly that can be called with TSQL.


    Keep in mind that this has the same limitation of the Running Packages folder in SSMS - administrators will see all packages, and other users will only see packages they have started.

    So, if you want to expose a list of all running packages to all users, you would need to create the assembly and execute the TSQL with a proxy. Or you could display the list of packges in an application using the collection object that is returned.

    Thanks yeah i knew that i could do this using .net code. What do u mean by "same limitation of the Running Packages folder in SSMS - administrators will see all packages". I am admin on the box as well as sql server. I still cannot see packages running under the RUnning Packages folder.