• Backups, perfomance tuning , indexation et all are all going to be done without a human being having to have a single technical skill that current DBA's utilise. Automation of most of the skills used by a DBA today are going to come into the remit of software / hardware.

    Backups are going to become redundant as for example memristors are now being comercialised.

    All databases are going to be running in Memory as it were using memristor technology.

    Solid state , current state storeage will negate the need for a backup.

    if you want a copy of the database it will be instant and uptodate. Replication , restoration etc wouldnt be needed.

    Load Balancing will become fully automated. If it is needed at all. Technology without the interference of a DBA will become the status quo and as for index and perfomance issues these too will be internalised and withheld from the human being DBA.

    No I think its all going to be internalised and driven by the database itself. Software rather than DBA's will handle all of the day to day requirements.

    Data is going to be held in a always on no loss state due to new memristor technology. ITs the biggest game changer for data storage in the history of computing.

    The day of the DBA mass extinction is approaching.

    On the plus side well I will have no need to worry about data loss anymore