• Wayne,

    From what I can find to read about the version store, only logged and transactional operation Data is ever in it.

    So I wonder why you think that data affecting the version store in the tempdb is not logged?

    I would agree that the tempdb is not logged, and that the movment of Data in and out of the version store is not transactionaly logged.

    I can find no documentation that supports your correct answer as worded in your question.

    I can find the documentation bellow that supports how to use the DMV and System Views to monitor the version store.

    From BOL article "Capacity planing for TempDb" --


    Row versioning is a general framework that is used to support the following features:


    Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS)

    Index operations that specify the ONLINE option

    Row versioning-based transaction isolation levels:

    A new implementation of read-committed isolation level

    that uses row versioning to provide statement-level read consistency.

    A snapshot isolation level to provide transaction-level read consistency.

    Row versions are held in the tempdb version store for as long as an active transaction must access it. The content of the current version store is returned in sys.dm_tran_version_store. Version-store pages are tracked at the file level because they are global resources. You can use the version_store_reserved_page_count column in sys.dm_db_file_space_usage to view the current size of the version store. Version-store cleanup must consider the longest running transaction that requires access to the particular version. The longest running transaction related to version store clean-up can be discovered by viewing the elapsed_time_seconds column in sys.dm_tran_active_snapshot_database_transactions. The counters Free Space in Tempdb (KB) and Version Store Size (KB) in the Transactions object can be used to monitor the size and rate of growth of the row-version store in tempdb. For more information, see SQL Server, Transactions Object.