• SanDroid (3/28/2011)

    Hugo Kornelis (3/28/2011)

    I got it correct.

    I was surprised at first at the "SELECT @i+=1" syntax. I knew about the compount operators and have happily used "SET @i=1", but seeing never realised that it can equally well be used with SELECT.


    I think setting variables with a SELECT statement like "SELECT @var1 = 1, @var2 =2" has always worked in SQL server.

    I have a pre SQL 92 SQL command refference with examples and it is listed there.

    It was also supported on MS SQL Server 7.

    Yes, it has. For as long as I can remember (and that includes some vague recollection of SQL Server 4.2).

    It just never occured to me that the += operator can also be used in a SELECT instead of only in a SET. My fault entirely - and I'm glad that this question showed me that this is possible as well. (Though I still prefer to use SET for setting variables).

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
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