• fannonland2 (3/3/2011)

    ok, changed that line back to

    iWaitInMinutes = 1

    iAlertFreq = 1

    sAnalysisInstance = "server\instance"

    sAnalysisDB = "dbName"

    and the other line is now....

    sConnString = "Server=" & sAnalysisInstance & ";Database=" & sAnalysisDB & ";UID=SCOMADMIN;PWD=mysupercomplexpassword"

    But I have yet to receive a single notification.

    I made sure I created a new subscription based on Sql Servers, too. Anything I can check on the SQL side to see if it is even collecting anything yet?

    Try simulating blocking by running the following in SSMS:

    In 1st window; run this in a test database of your choice with a table of your choice:

    USE dbName;

    set nocount on

    begin tran

    while 1=1

    update tblName set test ='abcd' --

    --rollback tran

    In a 2nd window of SSMS:

    --2nd window:

    USE dbName;

    SELECT * FROM tblName

    That will establish a blocking condition where the 2nd query is blocked indefinitely by the 1st.

    Now on a 3rd SSMS window run the following.

    Run the attached query after a minute, do you see any blocking? (this is the same query running in the .vbs script for SQL2005/2008 servers).

    BTW, I hope you imported the custom management pack into SCOM... 🙂

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