• fannonland2 (3/2/2011)

    I appreciate you taking the time to talk me through this. I am not a DBA by any stretch but I am trying to convince the DBA's that scom can do this and obviously they aren't interested in helping me. So, I do this on my own. So I have gotten to the point where I created a new database called, "Analysis" on the scom server. This sits right alongside the OperationsmangerDW and ReportServer databases. I ran the scripts, it created tables, I copied and pasted the PRC files and ran those. Had a little problem because I hadn't created a database role called "ROLE_UID". So I did and made it a dbowner. Now, I am going back to change the scripts in SCOM.

    I get this...

    sAnalysisInstance = "SCOMP001\SCOMSQL"

    sAnalysisDB = "Analysis"

    But I don't get this....

    sConnString = "Server=" & sAnalysisInstance & ";Database=" & sAnalysisDB & ";UID=xxx;PWD=xxx"

    What do I need to change in this line???

    sAnalysisInstance and sAnalysisDB take their values from the variable definitions so you don't have to worry about changing those.

    UID: this is a server login and database user on Analysis db that has execute permissions on stored procedure SCOM_InsertBlockingInfo.

    This procedure is installed on Analysis db.

    See below code excerpt to get an idea of what I am talking about:

    sConnString = "Server=" & sAnalysisInstance & ";Database=" & sAnalysisDB & ";UID=xxx;PWD=xxx"

    cnAnalysisInstance.Open sConnString

    Set cmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")

    Set cmd.ActiveConnection = cnAnalysisInstance

    cmd.CommandText = "[dbo].[SCOM_InsertBlockingInfo]"

    cmd.CommandType = 4 'adCmdStoredProc

    In my case I have a login, ssrs, mapped to a database role, ROLE_ssrs, in the Analysis db.

    ROLE_ssrs has EXECUTE permissions on procedures SCOM_InsertBlockingInfo and SCOM_InsertBlockingInfo_2000.

    Then the line you were asking about could read like this:

    sConnString = "Server=" & sAnalysisInstance & ";Database=" & sAnalysisDB & ";UID=ssrs;PWD=insert-complex-passwd"

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